Tuesday 24 September 2013

Part 3

Fade In 

A young girl enters the room on her phone, we only see half her face from her left. She rushes towards a table, where a hunched figure sits with her back to the camera.

16 year old Mia, with her loose brunette curls dangling, waits beside the table eager to speak as she lays her phone on the table.

Look, I know you're scared, but everyone says this is one of the things they want to do before they die and, well, putting it bluntly, we are going to die soon.

Ellie, the hunched figure, turns to face Mia, giving her a glum look as a response.

Bunking school, isn't what I want to do Mia, its what you want to do. I just want to die, I want to die now and go to heaven. That's all I want.

I've had to deal with your roller coaster moods for so long Ells, yesterday you were begging me to do this, now you're acting like its my idea. I know you'll regret not doing it, so lets go.

Mia drags Ellie out of her chair and forces her out the door. 
The camera follows them, then faces a closed door. The next shot is now following the two from their right side as they head to the school gate.

We'll just say we are sixth former's and they'll let us out.

The office phone rings, Mia answers whilst non diagetic background music starts to play, and the gate opens.

Then what?

Then we run

As the two head out the gate, Mia ruffles through her jacket pockets.

Have you lost something?

Well I sort of left my phone on the classroom table, maybe we can do this next week (said with a nervous laugh)

Oh God, next time be organised please, because what we just did was really sad.

Both girls walk back through the gate and into the empty class room.
Mia picks up her phone from the table and they both sit beside each other.

SO what are we doing tomorrow, lying on a zebra crossing?

Why not?

Both girls face each other and laugh.

Fade Out

Part 1

Match on action editing is cutting an action into different shots, to create the idea of the action from the first shot continuing in the other shots:

180 Degree Rule:

Thursday 12 September 2013

Children Of Men

The opening scene of the film consists of many diegetic sounds that don't interest the characters or the audience. However as the film goes on, the news broadcast awakens the interest of the audience as the news reporter reveals that the "Youngest person on Earth" has been killed. This means that the movie has succeeded in achieving one of its main aims, drawing in the audience.

The central character is clearly shown to us when the camera follows him out of the coffee shop. Also, the director has deliberately made this characters actions different and opposite to those around him. This may give the audience a feel for what type of character he is, he may not be one to follow the crowd and lets life go on when tragedy occurs (a strong personality).

I feel that the shot which establishes the narrative is when the camera is facing the T.V broadcast.
It gives us a an idea to what the movie may be about, and also may be the reason for the explosion outside. Angry fans may have lashed out on the public.