Saturday 19 October 2013

Watching and Analysing: Part 1

Let the Right One In

From the trailer I would say that this movie is a thriller and it's sub genre is romance. This is because of the dark and dull setting, and also later on in the trailer we see that the two characters seem to be growing strong attachments to one another. The non diagetic music playing in the clip gives it a sense of  mystery and makes the audience feel tense as there is no dialogue. However coming to the end of the trailer, little dialogue is put in and the effect it gives is that it makes the audience focus on the few words said by the characters to try build as much of a profile of them as possible. Due to there being little dialogue it gives the audience almost no insight to what the film will be about, which will mean when they watch the film they will have no expectations of the storyline, and therefore can hardly be disappointed. The representations of vampires in this film is quite unique because the trailer has very gruesome scenes e.g the little girl (vampire) eating a human and leaving with blood dripping from her face, giving the message that she is a bad or evil inspire. However it also represents her as caring because she saves the boy from the people bullying him.

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