Wednesday 23 October 2013

Writing and Creating:

Brief Synopsis

A young girl who has lived decades of her life - vampires don't age - alone, after living through and watching every member of her family get old and pass away, has never understood fully the life and power she has as a vampire, or the reason she is one. She has always been against killing and drinking human blood, however one day her thirst grew immensely and she needed something stronger than animal blood. That night, she waited at her bedroom window, which had a clear view of an alley close by. When she spotted a person with a large backpack, she felt they would be vulnerable enough to attack and take a bite into. After speeding down from her room to the alley, she quickly approached her victim and pierced her fangs into his neck.

After seconds of tasting his blood and hearing his cries and panic die down, she could no longer face the idea of taking someones life for her own pleasure. While removing her fangs from his now pale neck, she checked his pulse to assure he was still alive. She walked away and didn't turn back because she could not bare looking at a weak body lying on the ground knowing she had put him there.

All her years of living as a vampire, she thought she was alone, and without knowing if there were others, she was unable to study her being. She wasn't aware of her power, strength and effect on humans.

What she didn't realise, was that by her letting this boy live after she had bitten him, she had turned him into a vampire too, and her unique venom in his veins would cause him to instantly attach himself to her.

As she walked away, the weak body on the ground had risen up and was following her home. She was no longer alone.

When she got to her front door, she turned around to close it and sees the boy standing in front of her. She stared at him in confusion and slowly walked backwards, away from him. She asked him why he was just standing there and he replied saying that he was waiting to be invited in. Her eagerness to know why he came to her door caused herself to let him in (she knew she could protect herself).

She soon learns the reason this boy had come to her, and both set of on a hunt to find out the truth about vampires and their origin. On their travels to gain knowledge they come across many troubles, obstacles and dangerous people trying to use them. They visit many places, including Delphi where they find out the truth. The young girl was the last child of Ambrogio and Selene and had been lost for hundreds of years, after being kidnapped by a powerful cult with a thirst for immortality. The girl was named after her mother Selene.

The long journey of truth brings together the young boy and girl, they fall in love and get married, and spend the rest of their years together.


  1. WWW - Unique storyline, detailed synopsis engaged readers, iconography of feeding on blood and immortality

    EBI - Include enigma codes to interact with audiences

    - Mayleen & Nimo

  2. this is a very nice idea, I found the idea of her having a companion is really cute, the only thing that came up to my mind is, what happens after he turns?

  3. Really good story, I like the fact that there is sort of a good outcome when the vampire bites :) and she get someone attached to her, kind of like a cute love story :)
